Add different types of tasks to a list.
List all the existing tasks, with their completion status.
Remove a task from the list.
Sets a task’s completion status to completed.
Use a keyword to find tasks that include the keyword in their task description.
todo [taskName]
Adds a task of type ‘Todo’ to the task list.
Example of usage:
todo complete individual project
Expected outcome:
Dook has added task:
[T][✘] complete individual project
1 task(s) in the list now!
event [taskName] /at [timeFrame]
Adds a task of type ‘Event’ to the task list. Use /at to specify event date or time.
Example of usage:
event party /at 1800-2200h
Expected outcome:
Dook has added task:
[E][✘] party (at: 1800-2200h)
2 task(s) in the list now!
deadline [taskName] /by [deadline]
Adds a task of type ‘Deadline’ to the task list. Use /by to specify the deadline. Input deadline in format YYYY-MM-DD for Dook to recognise and print the date in MMM DD YYYY style.
Example of usage:
deadline homework /by 2020-02-26
Expected outcome:
Dook has added task:
[D][✘] homework (by: Feb 26 2020)
3 task(s) in the list now!
Shows a numbered list of all existing tasks, with their descriptions and completion statuses.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Dook will list your tasks now:
1. [T][✘] complete individual project
2. [E][✘] party (at: 1800-2200h)
3. [D][✘] homework (by: Feb 26 2020)
done [n]
Sets the nth task in the current list to done.
Example of usage:
done 1
Expected outcome:
Dun dun dun dun! This task is done:
[T][✓] complete individual project
delete [n]
Removes the nth existing task from the task list.
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
This task has been whisked out of existence:
[T][✓] complete individual project
2 task(s) remaining.
find [keyword]
Finds and shows tasks which contain the matching keyword.
Example of usage:
find par
Expected outcome:
Dook has found the following tasks:
1. [E][✘] party (at: 1800-2200h)
Exits Dook. All existing tasks are saved in a .txt file and restored upon startup.
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Goodbye, see you in the seventh dimension!
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